Net Neutrality

Recent FCC orders (sometimes referred to as the “Restoring Internet Freedom Order” or the “net neutrality” rules) mandate that Broadband service providers disclose information about any practices that involve blocking, throttling, and affiliated or paid prioritization.

  • Digital Aid agrees that consumers should have unfettered access to content on the internet.
  • Digital Aid doesn’t block consumer access to lawful internet content. Digital Aid throttles use of peer-to-peer file sharing during times of peak usage to ensure that all users have access to our services.
  • Digital Aid doesn’t resell consumers’ data to third parties.
  • Digital Aid doesn’t engage in unlawful or anticompetitive discrimination against websites, streaming video services, and voice applications that may compete with traditional services we offer and we don’t offer pay-for-priority services or affiliate priority services.
  • In the event that users’ aggregate demand exceeds the available capacity of the network and creates acute congestion, Digital Aid will employ various techniques to ensure that customers continue to have a positive experience.
  • In times of acute congestion, Digital Aid Internet service bandwidth will be fairly allocated among customers without regard to the customers’ online activities or the protocols or applications that the customers are using, with the exception of peer-to-peer file sharing, which is reduced by a greater degree. While acute congestion is occurring, customers will still be able to use the lawful content, services, and applications of their choice, but this fair sharing of bandwidth may result in slower download and upload speeds and slower response times from websites and Internet-based applications and services.
  • Digital Aid will not engage in deep packet inspection (where the content of the data packet is inspected beyond its IP, TCP, and UDP headers) or drop specific types of end-user Internet traffic except as described herein to preserve the integrity of the network and protect against negative effects of Internet threats.